Design Studio Website
Wednesday, September 07, 2011
What I am up to
Since I am no longer actively pursuing Innovation Consulting, this is what I am doing now : visual identity design for brands & brand naming alongwith professional photography and I am also an Indian wedding photographer. Broadly, these are my focus areas and specialties. Apart from these, I am of course constantly dabbling in various interests and activities.

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posted by Naina @ Permalink 9/07/2011 09:36:00 PM   --- Google It! ---
Been too long
This was my first ever blog and reading some of the past entries is like traveling back in time. Fascinating. I am still very interested in the subject of innovation but more related to innovation in the areas of brand design, branding, social media and client interactions. I am still not sure what I might like to do with this blog - but considering this is the only web property I have that has a Google PageRank of 4, I'm going to keep it.

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posted by Naina @ Permalink 9/07/2011 08:54:00 PM   --- Google It! ---
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directions for using the blog
all links are in green: when you take your mouse-pointer over a link, it turns blue with a dashed gray underline. links in the post-body are also dash-underlined.

all links to useful information within the blog are under the *blog navigation* sidebar on the top-right.

the topmost right-corner advertises the yellow pages service provided by my parent organization, InnovationNetwork.

the ASIDE Innovation Blog does not advertise for third-parties and there are no pop-ups associated with the blog.

for any complaints kindly e-mail me at asideblog [at] gmail [dot] com.

Naina Redhu has no liability for the contents on the pages of the weblinks under the *innovation*, *design* and *other* categories.

the *ideas@aside* logo is the sole-property of ASIDE and Naina Redhu and is copyrighted under the Creative Commons like the rest of the graphics and writing existing on the ASIDE Innovation Blog.

the blog has been optimized for Internet Explorer and uses websafe colors. the color scheme has been extensively researched for eye-safety for on-screen viewing as well as for the impact of colors on the brain. the colors on this weblog are suitable for a stress-free read and will relax all five senses.

comments relating to subject-matter under innovation / creativity and design / colors are welcome.
All comments, ideas and thoughts on the ASIDE Innovation Blog
are property of their authors unless otherwise stated
Copyright Naina Redhu, 2004
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