I have been doing some drawings lately - more for "submissions" on various design websites - great way to make oneself known in the design field. And great way to learn Photoshop!
Here are some of the submitted entries - they haven't been published yet, but if and when they are - the announcement with links to the website will be published here too. The first four are Photographs and the last three - original art thanks to Photoshop.
all links are in green: when you take your mouse-pointer over a link,
it turns blue with a dashed gray underline. links in the post-body are also
all links to useful information within the blog are under the *blog navigation* sidebar
on the top-right.
the topmost right-corner advertises the yellow pages service provided by my parent organization,
Innovation Blog does not advertise for third-parties and there are no pop-ups associated with the blog.
for any complaints kindly e-mail me at asideblog [at] gmail [dot] com.
Naina Redhu
has no liability for the contents on the pages of the weblinks
under the *innovation*, *design* and *other* categories.
the *ideas@aside* logo is the sole-property of ASIDE
and Naina Redhu and is copyrighted under the Creative Commons like the rest of the graphics and writing existing on the ASIDE Innovation
the blog has been optimized for Internet Explorer and uses websafe colors. the color scheme has been extensively researched
for eye-safety for on-screen viewing as well as for the impact of colors on the brain. the colors on this weblog are suitable for a
stress-free read and will relax all five senses.
comments relating to subject-matter under innovation / creativity and design / colors
are welcome.
All comments, ideas and thoughts on the ASIDE Innovation Blog are property of their authors unless otherwise stated