Innovation Picture of The Week: The FishTank
| What do you see here?
What does the black color remind you of?
What about the three fish?
And the number three?
The hand that you it holding something away from your eyes or is it showing you all it the hand palm down, or you cannot see the palm?
Are you "boxed in" with your ideas, like the blue box within the green?
Or could the green rectangular ring signify leveraging your ideas and improving upon them?
Can the green rectangular ring represent knowledge and information and ideas from colleagues, suppliers, customers, employees, family, friends? |
Would such colors...the green and the blue...increase your creativity in some way?
A "Green shirt day" when you would borrow ideas from nature, read peculiarities of one animal/organism and borrow ideas from there for your product / customer services enhancement program / supplier relationships / an approach or procedure.
A "Blue shirt day" when you would take a stroll while coming to office / after lunch / while leaving office and look up at the sky.
Maybe a cloud's shape could give you an idea about your current challenges!
What do YOU see?
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