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Tuesday, November 09, 2004
Innovation Only Makes a Difference when it's Accepted
(from the WebProNews)

There is a dilemma that is inherent in technical innovation. As the innovators, we tend to get caught up in the possibilities of technology and base our business decisions on it. But the fact is that the success of technology only takes place with widespread adoption by the general public.

In the high tech business, we tend to be surrounded with others like ourselves. We are the classic early adopters, looking for the latest technological gizmo. We tweak our computers and other various electronic gadgets, spend hours tracking down problems with drivers and happily put up with bug after bug to gain an edge over the less technically savvy. In our biz, we all tend to be members of this relatively small segment of the real world. Unfortunately, we sometimes make decisions that seem valid because everyone we talk to agrees with us. It's not until the public flatly rejects our innovations that we realize it was never capable of going beyond the research lab.

Search, or the Internet in general, ultimately doesn't move forward until the public adopts new innovations in sufficient numbers to develop critical mass. If that mass never happens, the innovation withers and dies.

So, if you ask me, or any of the others who have been writing about this, which of the emerging search innovations will make the difference in the industry, you might be asking the wrong person. I'm a geek. Go ask your Aunt Mildred, but be prepared to spend some time explaining what you're talking about.
posted by Naina @ Permalink 11/09/2004 08:57:00 AM   0 comments  --- Google It! ---
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